

Jede Transformation beginnt mit einem Ziel oder einer Inspiration!

von Lars Bodenheimer 21 Dez., 2022
If you are thinking of starting your own business, here is my biggest learning from going down that path. Reprogram the way you think and feel about yourself, your business, your (potential) clients, marketing, everything! The biggest stumbling blocks are in yourself. I am talking about the values, attitudes and beliefs you have adopted a long time ago. They are still inside of you, safely stored away in a part of your mind we call the subconscious mind. From there, they control over 90% of your experiences every single day. These beliefs determine if you are (subconsciously) supporting your (conscious) intentions and goals or if you are sabotaging them. Example beliefs you may carry in your subconscious: It's hard to start a business. Money doesn't come easy. I am not good enough. I am not smart enough. People are not interested in what I am offering. I am not doing this right. It will take a long time for me to be successful, if at all. I have to work really hard for my success. If any of the above beliefs are yours, they are part of YOUR truth. They will affect everything you are trying to accomplish. The good news is that you can change them. Why? Because your recurring thoughts and emotions are like tape recordings in your mind. You can overwrite them. To do that, you need techniques that allow you to access the storage house, the hard drive, which is your subconscious mind. Many modalities under the umbrella of Energy Psychology or Belief Change focus on exactly that. The one I mostly use is PSYCH-K® . I invite you to start listening to your thoughts and feel into your emotions. They are a gauge for your state of mind and heart. You may be surprised what you are telling yourself all day long. Decide for yourself if your self-talk supports you with your plans or not. Book a free call or session with me to learn more. I did a short entrepreneur interview for a media company that supports people who want to go solo. You can check it out here .
von Lars Bodenheimer 13 Apr., 2022
How can we improve relationships? By acknowledging and appreciating that everyone has ... 1) their own "normal" (upbringing, inherited values, attitudes, beliefs) 2) their own path to their own destiny 3) their own pace of realization and growth
von Lars Bodenheimer 12 Apr., 2022
Your lifetime is precious! Why would you wait to rid yourself of self-limiting thoughts and emotions from your PAST? Why would you not enjoy and appreciate what works and is good TODAY? Why would you not imagine, feel and attract what you desire in your FUTURE?
von Lars Bodenheimer 11 Apr., 2022
Have you ever thought about it? Maybe because of its health benefits. Research shows that laughter can help reduce or relieve pain, create happiness, and even increase immunity. One study claimed healthy children may laugh as much as 400 times per day, but adults tend to laugh only 15 times per day. Here are some potential stress management benefits: 1. Reduce stress hormone levels 2. Allow a physical and emotional release 3. Work out your diaphragm, abs, and even your shoulders 4. Distract you from anger, stress, and other negative emotions 5. Shift your perception of stressful events 6. Connect us with others and lift their's contagious after all! Introduce more humor and laughter in your life!!!
von Lars Bodenheimer 08 Apr., 2022
How about this? 1) your PRESENCE 2) your UNIQUENESS 3) your TIME 4) your ATTENTION 5) your ENERGY
von Lars Bodenheimer 07 Apr., 2022
Having expectations can... ... set you up for disappointment. ... make you vulnerable. ... waste your time. ... deplete your energy. ... cause consistent unhappiness. Check your expectations.
von Lars Bodenheimer 06 Apr., 2022
How can there be peace outside of you if there is a lack of peace inside of you? Self-reflection and -discovery plus the right reprogramming tools can do the job. Explore simple Energy Psychology & Subconscious Belief Change methods like PSYCH-K.
von Lars Bodenheimer 05 Apr., 2022
I believe positive thinking is overrated. We should really focus on positive feeling. You can't go wrong if you do both! 🙂 Bring anything to mind that makes you feel good. A person, situation, or thing, past, presence, or future. The more intense you feel it, the better. The more often you do it, the more effect it has. It rewires your brain and harmonizes your health.
von Lars Bodenheimer 04 Apr., 2022
Very basic and very essential. Pick one or more and get going.
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